​​(636) 220-7255            info@ReliantPay.com

(636) 220-7255

ReliantPay Recurring Payments

Call us today at (877) 397-3127 or contact us for more information on our recurring billing solutions!!​

Automate Your Receivables and Save!

ReliantPay offers state-of-the-art technology solutions for recurring billing, enabling merchants to simplify their processing while offering customers more payment options. Our options include on line solutions as well as solutions installed on your PC, available anywhere with or without internet.

ReliantPay's  recurring billing solution is the most comprehensive payment solution for your customers, offering the option of credit card, debit card or ACH electronic check transactions. Your customers will enjoy the convenience and peace of mind knowing that their bills will be paid automatically and on time.

Benefits Of ReliantPay’s Recurring Billing Solution

  • Saves time and reduces administrative burden
  • Reduces the costs associated with manual billing and collection items
  • Increases the consistency of your income stream
  • Reduces declined authorizations
  • Helps mitigate risk
  • Enhances customer loyalty
  • Improves profitability

ReliantPay’s Recurring Billing Solution Offers:

  • Web-based solutions available 24/7/365
  • Variety of frequency options
  • Supports all payment methods
  • Ability to edit payment information and schedule
  • Robust reporting

■  eCommerce

■  EMV Chip & Pin Security

■  Retail Merchants

■  Websites

■  B2B Merchant Services